Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The dreaded Squatsnatchpull

Wednesday 080806
45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, left arm, 21 reps
45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, right arm, 21 reps
42 Pull-ups
45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, left arm, 15 reps
45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, right arm, 15 reps
30 Pull-ups
45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, left arm, 9 reps
45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, right arm, 9 reps
18 Pull-ups

Post time to comments


Anonymous said...

hey guys,
hope your summers are going well, did this workout this afternoon, but substituted snatch squats with a 45 lb bar for the db squat snatches. I'm still having some flexibility and mobility issues with my shoulders so this was the best way.

Steve Lobotsky said...

good to here from you, Hows the air over there?
We're going to have to sub some also,no 45lb.DB's.
How much longer are you over there?

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve,
Believe it or not, the air has been getting a little better, but not much. The government has been using some unorthodox methods to get the air better for the Olympics but you only do some much. I'll be coming back on the 23so expect to see me very soon!