Friday, August 8, 2008

Travel Day

Nick & Greg are heading to Virginia Beach.
Nick is doing his Level 1 Cert. followed by some R&R at the beach.
While dad is left home to slave on the farm.

Tonight we will try Albany Crossfits August Challange.
as many reps as possible in 10 min. of 75lb.Over head squats
The number to beat as of now is 148
Squats must have the hip crease below the top of the knee or the rep does not count.Also no Dynamax ball for depth ,squats are done free standing.


Albany CrossFit said...

Let me know how it goes!

Have fun in VB!

Steve Lobotsky said...

First the excuses,Legs tired from the last 3 days of squats,didn't take enough time to warm up,I was by myself ,the sun was in my eyes,yada yada yada.
My goal was 100 which I did with 35 seconds to spare.
By the end of the month there should be significant gains.